
Annual PT check-up? We love to see you when you’re feeling fine

Annual PT check-up? We love to see you when you’re feeling fine

Physical therapy check-up - feet stapping

If you think physical therapy is only about rehabilitation after surgery or recovering from an accident, think again. For the vast majority, seeing a physical therapist should be about prevention, routine assessment and staying well. – Stephen Wade, Associated Press

As a physical therapist, I’m working to be more of a partner in preventing aches, pains, and movement problems. For too long, people have seen my profession solely as a means of recovery after a fall, a strain, or a surgery.

So, when Associated Press reported, “Physical therapy is ‘the best-kept secret in health care,’” I couldn’t have been happier. (Well, I would have been happier if they said, “Physical therapists are the best…”)

The current president and a past president of the American Physical Therapy Association described how physical therapy is often misunderstood as a remedy and not prevention. And that all points to a common theme among my colleagues: why don’t we follow the dental model?

We see our dentist twice a year. And if you maintain that you have healthier outcomes that go beyond your teeth. Similarly, physical therapy can prevent injuries, time out of work, and chronic pain, by showing you how to move and exercise in healthier ways.

We can help you NOT succumb to:

  • Back strain
  • Repetitive motion ailments
  • Sciatica
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Hip, knee, and ankle pain
  • Jaw pain and headaches

What does an annual PT check-up look like? First, we talk, to understand your lifestyle, job, physical demands, health history, recreational activities, and exercise habits. Then we look at how you move with some simple tests and observations.

“An exam could include health history and current health — physical activity, sleep, nutrition, etc.,” said Stephen Wade, Associate Press health reporter. “This would be followed by a look at how you’re moving. It might include things like postural alignment and movement patterns as you walk, run, reach, sit and stand. In terms of strength and flexibility, think muscle imbalances.”

The annual check-up wraps up with suggestions of actions you can in your day-to-day routine to ensure you’re using your body correctly and most efficiently.  And if we see a problem beginning to manifest, it’s a lot easier to treat early on.

And if you’re passionate about a sport or hobby, we can help make sure you never have to sit out of the fun, due to an injury.

“Even if you’re not having any problem, you go in and have everything checked out,” said Gammon Earhart, APTA president. “If there’s any problems that seem to be brewing, you head them off at the pass.”

Cedar Hill can set you up with an annual check-up, just like any other appointment. Come when you’re feeling good and make a plan to stay that way!