
Request Appointment

At Cedar Hill Physical Therapy and Wellness Center in Greensboro, NC, we know just how important it is for you to complete your course of therapy with regularly scheduled visits. We want to make it as convenient as possible for you to find time for therapy. Because of this, Cedar Hill Physical Therapy and Wellness Center offers multiple avenues for you to receive the best care possible including in-clinic visits and telerehab.

In-Clinic Visit

Come to the Hill! Cedar Hill Physical Therapy and Wellness Center offers our famous hour-long, one-on-one, individualized therapy session in our relaxed environment in northwest Greensboro, NC. Take advantage of our private gym and outdoor therapeutic activity area to relieve your pain and help you regain function.

To Schedule your In-Clinic Visit, select In-Clinic on the form below!


Cedar Hill Physical Therapy and Wellness Center offers telerehab to those who can’t make it into the clinic. This is the perfect choice for anyone with a busy lifestyle or someone who lives beyond convenient driving distance but would enjoy the benefit of seeing Paul the Physical Therapist.

To Schedule your Telerehab session, select Telerehab on the form below!

Discovery Session

Schedule a complimentary 10-minute Discovery Session with Paul the Physical Therapist at Cedar Hill Physical Therapy in Greensboro, NC. A Discovery Session is done over the phone or via video chat.

To Schedule your Discovery Session, Click on the button below!

Fill out the form below to schedule your In-Clinic or Telerehab Visit!

North Carolina allows individuals with commercial insurance to receive physical therapy without a physician’s referral.

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